Dear Team members!
How about creating Theme-based contests? We can run them every Wednesday!!!!
I would want you to provide 1) suggestions for the Theme, 2) submit your listing (one per person) for this theme.
If you have a listing that fits the Theme - submit it on our Etsy Weavers discussion board!
If you would want to make your item specifically for the Theme - please let the Curator know what you're creating.
Here is an example of such a Theme-Treasury:
Curator: Alvant
Theme: "I hear the birds sing - spring must me coming..."
Colors: earthy colors, blue, green, yellow, sandy...
Elements: birds, music, flowers, nature, awakening...
Limitations: I would want to include up to 8 items of our Etsy Weavers team in this Treasury.
Due date for submiting your listings: February 22.
Due date to claim your participation in this treasury: February 20.
I see this as additional way to Promote our team members!
What do you think?
I created one treasury just for fun on the theme "Patterns". Here it is: