Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Darlene Carman interviews Annie MacHale

Hello World!

Wouldn't you want to learn more about our team members? Would could be better than watching a video with one? Well, of course, meeting in-person would be the best... But for now - this media would do just fine -

we have a rare occasion to see an interview with our very best - Annie MacHale, the owner of the ASpinnerWeaver store on Etsy.

Annie has been taking care of our Facebook page and blog updates. And now we get to really learn about her, the art of inkle-weaving and broaden our horizons in the world of weaving (and happiness!)

Enjoy the video!
Thank you, Annie, for sharing!

Captain of Etsy Weavers team


  1. Hi,
    Will you please post a link to your Blog at The Weaving Community? Our members will love it.
    It's easy to do, just cut and paste the link and it automatically links back to your website. You can also add Photos, Videos and Classifieds if you like. It’s free and easy.
    Email me if you need any help or would like me to do it for you.
    Please feel free to share as often and as much as you like.
    The Weaving Community: http://www.vorts.com/weaving/
    I hope you consider sharing with us.
    Thank you,
    James Kaufman, Editor

  2. Wow! It was an extremely interesting interview! It was so great to hear her life story and to see her at the loom.
