Saturday, December 24, 2011

Celebration Treasuries!

Today would be the perfect day to announce the winners of the Celebration treasuries contest for Etsy Weavers team.
The air is full of happiness and joy - Christmas is here, Hanukkah is here! New Year is almost here!
And our Etsy Weavers team is over the 200 mark!

We had many amazing treasuries created by our team members, celebrating the works of our team and colorful creations of others. It was a pure joy to see them:

Today we announce three winners who have collected the most amount of views, clicks and admirerers!

#1 is unbeatable Patt, representing AllMyCreations store, with remarkable Celebration treasury

If you haven't checked it - you will have lots of fun with the items Patt has chosen.

#2 treasury belongs to Elizabeth, our GreenwoodWoman! Here is the link to her treasury

# 3 proudly goes to Bridget representing Biggie store - Another amazing collection

But the right thing to say would be this - we all win because we're together in this CELEBRATION!
Congratulations to all of you! Happy Holidays! Happy Weaving!

Captain of Etsy Weavers team